Hikari CS Referral program

Are you already a customer or partner? Would you like to recommend us to others who can use our services too? Great, because we have a referral program especially for you! 


Unlock Rewards: Earn €1,000 Credit for
Successful Referrals!

Unlock Rewards - Example

Example: a new customer recommended by you starts with Hikari CS on July 1st and generates €1,000 in sales in the first 30 days. As soon as the new customer pays it’s invoice (generally before August 14), you will receive a credit of € 1,000 in the next billing round, which in this example is September.
The requirement is that the recommended customer is not already in a negotiation with Hikari CS or is or has already been a customer.

Would you like to forward our presentation?  You can find it here!